
February 2018
Issue 157 Volume 14

True or False: Sprinters are Born, Not Made

This month, we ask why is it that some people seem to be effortlessly fast and explosive, while others struggle to generate the same “pop”... Continue reading
Rotational Exercise for Postural Strength

Postural strength is a very important factor in sports performance. Not only does a strong trunk protect our internal organs from injury, but if we ar... Continue reading
Ask Greg: Issue 157

Christoffer Asks: Hey, I was wondering how much your body mass matters in weightlifting and how much of an impact a few less or extra pounds can make ... Continue reading
Reorganizing Your Weightlifting Goals…Because You’re Forced To

People in weightlifting usually have short memories. I’ve always noticed this. Most of the lifters and coaches in the sport have no idea who the... Continue reading
The Box Squat: Applications to Weightlifting

In the world of Olympic weightlifting, the box squat has been on the receiving end of a great deal of criticism and suspicion. This is potentially due... Continue reading
What is this Force-Velocity Curve of Which You Speak?

Before you start to think this has to do with how fast the bar moves in some curved pattern, let’s get down to what the title really means. The ... Continue reading
Interview: Jocelyn Forest Haynes

Jocelyn Forest Haynes is one of the original Catalyst Athletics weightlifters. As you’ll read in this interview, she’s been with Greg and ... Continue reading
Weightlifting News: Issue 157

Upcoming National Meets February 15-18, National Junior Championships in Spokane, WA March 1-4, AO Series 1 at the Arnold in Columbus, OH April 1... Continue reading
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