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Recipes: Issue 7

Quick Berry Cereal A really quick dish that tastes like oatmeal with berries! Many variations are possible; use your imagination. Time: 3-4 min Ingredients: . 1 cup blackberries, blueberries, or raspber¬ries . 1/4 cup ground almonds .... Continue reading
Intermittent Fasting

I wrote a paper on Intermittent Fasting almost two years ago but I have sat on it because… well, I am not entirely sure why, but I think some of it had to do with the unknown. Not like the meaning of life, what happens when you die, or somethi... Continue reading

What is an injury? A simple question? Really, let’s see. An injury occurs when? Pain, instantly, upon completion, the next day or the second day? Is the pain sharp, dull, achy, burning? Possibly electrical—pulsing or a zap? Or maybe i... Continue reading
Recipes: Issue 6

Shira’s Power Wrap This month we have the great fortune of a visit from Shira Yaziv from Haifa, Israel. Shira is a student of Ido Portal, whom you might recall wrote the QDR article in our premiere issue. Shira is enjoying the 106* weather i... Continue reading
Yay Burpees! An Interview with Mike Burgener

This month we have the honor of an in¬terview with world-renowned Olympic Weightlifting coach, Mike Burgener. Those of you who know Coach B know that any¬thing written by or about him should be ALL CAPS ALL THE TIME!!! This is because he is &... Continue reading
Recipes: Issue 5

What about snacks? This is perhaps our most frequent question… and it is a bugger. Snacks tend to imply shelf life, portability, ease of both storage and consumption, and, if at all possible, high marks for YUM factor. It is little wonder that... Continue reading
The Paleo Diet: An Interview with Dr. Loren Cordain

Dr. Loren Cordain is a professor in the De¬partment of Health and Exercise Science at Colorado state university. He is the author of over 100 peer reviewed scientific articles and abstracts published in journals such as American Journal of Clinic... Continue reading
Power Tools

Campus boards—gently over-hanging, no-feet “ladders”—became popular after Wolfgang Güllich invented one to train for Action Directe. Now Alex Huber has intro¬duced the system wall to mainstream climb¬ers. The late... Continue reading
Recipes: Issue 4

BEEF: IT’S WHAT’S FOR BREAKFAST! OK, we know it seems odd. Beef doesn’t strike many as standard breakfast fare. Us¬ing leftovers from the previous evening however, one can make a tasty breakfast in no time flat. A recent beef... Continue reading
Theories & Theoretical Constructs: Max Effort Black Box

with Josh Everett Theories and theoretical constructs, we would assert, have value only to the extent that they are descriptive of reality and our past experiences and if they provide the van¬tage point from which further investigation may be ... Continue reading
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