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Recipes: Issue 11

This month, I feature a handful of really quick meals for those on the go. You don’t have to resort to the local Quickie Mart; Paleo/Zone goodies are just minutes away! I make a few concessions here from optimal food sources and preparation tec... Continue reading
Go To Bed!

Go to bed. Well, maybe not right this minute, but sooner rather than later. It is fall, heading in to winter, and the days are getting short, the nights are cool and some of you may be feel¬ing a bit squirrelly with the changes. Especially if you... Continue reading
Recipes: Issue 10

It has been a busy week here at CrossFit Portland, which ended with the local NBC affiliate broadcasting part of their morning show live from the gym. Next week, we are having a free “Bring the Pain” workout. It will be on Saturday, Novem... Continue reading
Recipes: Issue 9

Kohlrabi and Fennel Slaw Kohlrabi is an unusual looking vegetable that is common in European gardens. It tastes a little like a turnip. It is planted in the spring for summer harvest, then again in July for a fall harvest. Kohlrabi is an excellent... Continue reading
The Paleo Diet for Athletes

Excerpted from The Paleo Diet for Athletes: A Nu¬tritional Formula for Peak Athletic Performance by Loren Cordain, Ph.D, and Joe Friel, M.S. Chapter 9: The 21st-Century Paleo Diet: Special Dietary Needs of Modern Athletes As a serious athle... Continue reading

Functional training has be¬come quite a buzz-term of late, almost to the point that op-ed pieces on the topic are themselves a trendy item (this contribution excluded of course). The flow of these pieces has been lamentably predictable… TH... Continue reading
Striking for CrossFit

CrossFit enjoys a reciprocating relationship with the elements with which it is formed. CrossFit is comprised in part of Olympic Lifting and Gymnastics and all parties have benefited from the interaction. For their part, Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), Tha... Continue reading
Raising the Bar for Student Athletes

Editors Note: I asked Dan John,“What’s hap¬pening? How is the new job?” Below is the flow of consciousness from the Big Man himself! I took a moment to look at the telephone. I couldn’t be hearing this right. Steve men&... Continue reading
Recipes: Issue 8

We are proud to announce the beginning of our first regular column, Cooking With Scotty. Scotty Ha¬gnas of CrossFit Portland will be sharing his Paleo/Zone gourmet creations with us each month. Stay tuned for our Desserts issue slated for Novembe... Continue reading
Max Effort Black Box Revisited

elegant template that draws from the success of WestSide Barbell and of course, CrossFit. We have received numerous comments as to the efficacy of the program and we are hoping to post before and after stats as they come in. Smart manipulation of tra... Continue reading
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