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The Metabolic Diet

Last month we took a very detailed look at the Zone, starting with a caloric restricted 40-30-30 plan that lies at the heart of Barry Sears’s nutritional masterpiece. We then ex¬plored a progression of increased fat intake that culminated i... Continue reading
When Loose is a Compliment

Flexibility is an athletic trait often admired when demonstrated but rarely discussed otherwise. It also seems to be at the center of many arguments, often involving the word Yoga and quickly eliciting facial contortion. Although things seem to be ch... Continue reading
Recipes: Issue 3

Bring on The Duck! Cooking Slow with El Pato The slow cooker or crock-pot is an absolute essential for those with busy schedules. To walk through the front door at the end of the day and be enveloped by a fragrant hot meal is a reality that is ama... Continue reading
From the Floor to Overhead

Squat right. Clean right. Put the bar over¬head. Repeat. That is usually my little formula for teaching people the basics of get¬ting strong. But, people always insist on the follow up questions: What do I do now? How do I measure up? I c... Continue reading
The Golden Ratio

Have you heard of Phi? The Golden Ratio of mathematics? The legs of a golden triangle (an isosceles triangle with a vertex angle of 36°) are in a golden ratio to its base and, in fact, this was the method used by Pythagoras to con¬struct phi.... Continue reading
Recipes: Issue 2

“The beet is the most intense of vegetables. The radish, admittedly, is more feverish, but the fire of the radish is a cold fire, the fire of discontent not of passion. Tomatoes are lusty enough, yet there runs through tomatoes an undercurrent ... Continue reading
Interview with Art DeVany

Professor Arthur De Vany is Professor Emeritus of Economics and Mathematical Behavioral Sciences at the University of California, Irvine. He has conducted groundbreaking research in many areas of economics, but is perhaps most noted for his work c... Continue reading
The Queda de Rins

As part of using a lot of different tools, from various disciplines, and thus trying to achieve a more complete understand¬ing and activation of human movement, I will present today a very old static posi¬tion strength move, later to become p... Continue reading
Breakfast: The Conundrum of Champions

Everybody knows breakfast is the “most important meal of the day.” Despite this awareness, however, it seems to simultaneously be the most challenging, especially for the Paleo adherent. Grain-based cereals abound and flour- and sugar-lad... Continue reading
Recipes: Issue 1

Winter Fruit Salad Time: 20 minutes Ingredients - 1 medium blood orange - 1 medium ruby red grapefruit - 1 medium Fuji apple - 1 medium Valencia orange - 1 handful of fresh mint - 1/4 cup pecans - Juice from 1/2 lime - 1/4 tsp cinnamon... Continue reading
Showing 1353 — 1362 of 1362
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