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Ask Greg: Issue 191

Erin Asks: How can I stop jumping forward on my clean? Lately, all my coach says is I am jumping forward due to shorting my third pull and bringing my shoulders to the bar. All he tells me is to pull longer. Is there a drill I can do to stop thi... Continue reading
The Two Kinds of Goal Setting: Which One Works for You?

Weightlifting is one of the most measurable sports in the world. That’s one of the things I love about it. My first sport was football, and it always bothered me that there was some subjectivity involved in determining who the best players were... Continue reading
Religion, Faith, and Belief: Converting Spirituality into Performance Outcomes

One day, an athlete of mine asked, “have you ever noticed how there are so many high level CrossFitters that profess their religion on their Instagram profiles?” I must admit, I’ve never taken notice. But then I started seeing it ev... Continue reading
Intermittent Fasting and Strength Athletes

Intermittent fasting (IF) is the solution to all your problems. It will help you stay lean without losing strength and it will cure all your diseases. It makes you a superhuman! Not only that, you can eat crappy food and stay strong!   If you ... Continue reading
Do Not Be That Guy at the Gym

I don’t know about you, but I have fairly consistently come across “that guy” (or gal) at a few gyms; the one who gets pissed off when his or lifts don’t go well that day. These people often become outwardly angry and can be s... Continue reading
Interview: Rachel Roller

There were three reasons why I wanted to interview Rachel Roller. First, she’s a Catalyst Athletics weightlifter, and we like to share the stories of our team members in this magazine. Second, she’s becoming a pretty legit weightlifter. S... Continue reading
Ask Greg: Issue 190

Jane Asks: How do you fix constantly catching a heavy snatch on the balls of feet instead of on the heels (But not jumping forward)?   Greg Says: The first part of fixing the problem is determining the cause. There are three basic possibi... Continue reading
Weightlifting and Anger: Do They Work Together?

Immediate disclaimer warning: I’m going to let you know right at the start that this article might come across like a self-help book. But I’m okay with that. At the moment, I think many of us need all the help we can get. It’s Octo... Continue reading
Olympic Weightlifting as a Sport vs. as a Training Modality: Managing the Difference

I originally got into coaching Olympic weightlifting because as an athlete, I love the thrill of competition. I love the feeling of chasing this amorphous goal of high performance. But mostly, in the individual sport of Olympic weightlifting, I want ... Continue reading
Should Style Count? A National Referee’s Perspective

Imagine this scenario: it’s the National Championships and a favored lifter to win the gold has missed her first two clean and jerks, unable to push and drive hard enough to successfully jerk. It’s time for the third attempt, and a miss w... Continue reading
Showing 72 — 81 of 1362
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