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Change Your Mental Approach to Training

Lifting: Is there any sport as mentally taxing as ours? True, one can argue that any sport requires diligent focus and positive mentality, but this is most especially true in weightlifting where the difference between making lifts and missing them ca... Continue reading
Barbell Lessons: Patience to the Hip

A microcosm or a metaphor would never do it justice. The beautiful mind-mess that is weightlifting often depicts life’s universal truths. Lessons on the platform parallel lessons in life in an accelerated fashion. You’ll be lucky to apply... Continue reading
Interview: Snow Charpentier

Right away, I have to give Snow Charpentier a big thank-you. An old friend and fellow lifter I’ve known for years was supposed to do an interview for me last month, but she was taking forever to get it done (I won’t mention any names, but... Continue reading
Weightlifting News: Issue 161

Upcoming National Meets June 14-17 National Youth Championships in Grand Rapids, MI July 26-29 AO Series 2 in King of Prussia, PA Sept. 13-16 AO Series 3 in Las Vegas, NV Dec. 6-9 AO Finals in Milwaukee, WI   Upcoming International Meets... Continue reading
Ask Greg: Issue 160

Kamil Asks: Hey! I'd like to ask you how to work on stabilization in a hole of a snatch. I'm lifting for less than 2 years now, and my biggest issues are my shoulders and keeping a torso upright when receiving a snatch. I can pull the bar hig... Continue reading
The Five Main Sources of Bad Weightlifting Performances

Let’s take a little trip back in time, shall we? The year was 1994. The internet was about two years old, Bill Clinton was our president, Kurt Cobain had just killed himself, OJ was getting ready to kill his wife, and I felt like killing somebo... Continue reading
How to Cope with Injuries

Being injured sucks, especially if sports or movement are a big part of your life. I’ve recently been there, and I suspect many of you reading this can relate. If you haven’t gotten injured, that’s amazing, and I hope you never do! ... Continue reading
True or False: Exposure to Cold Weather Can Increase Your Chance of Catching a Cold or Flu

It’s a commonly held belief that being exposed to cold weather (especially with a sudden change in temperature) can make you sick. When I was a child, my mother would always look horrified if I went out in winter without wearing a coat. “... Continue reading
Getting Started on Your Own

Weightlifting is becoming an increasingly popular sport, but that doesn’t mean it’s any less intimidating for a beginner than it ever was. The snatch and the clean and jerk are undoubtedly tough lifts to learn; they require a perfect comb... Continue reading
Training Legs for Olympic Lifters Over 60

There are two types of Masters weightlifters: those that can go in the hole and catch full squat snatches and full squat cleans, and those who can’t. By the time many long-time lifters reach 60, their knees and hips have too much wear and te... Continue reading
Showing 303 — 312 of 1362
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