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Cultivating Your Head Game

As early as you learn to snatch on a PVC pipe, you learn that weightlifting is a cerebral sport. I see this revelation in my newer clients all the time, assuring them that though there are a million things to get just right in any given lift, it is j... Continue reading
Having a “Blue Head:” How to Make Decisions to Better the World

Fire and ice. Darkness and light. Strong and weak. We divide the world into binaries. As humans, this typically helps us to understand what is safe and what is dangerous. We instinctually categorize, separating things, ideas, and constructs in the si... Continue reading

The word retirement was never in my vocabulary. It still isn’t. When someone asks if I am retired from weightlifting, I say, “No, I’m not retired. I just don’t compete or train anymore.” I never submitted retirement pape... Continue reading
Loaded Carries for Total Body Strength

There is a running joke in the strength and conditioning world that coaches go through the following cycle: Basic -> Complicated -> Basic   New coaches come in to the industry with little experience so they rely on basics to progress.... Continue reading
Top 10 Best Weight Training Exercises for Building Muscle and Staying Injury-Free

People want to know how to build muscle without getting hurt. That’s a two-part question. Let’s address the staying injury-free part first.   I want to begin by stating this apparent truth: anything done in excess will hurt you. Dr... Continue reading
Interview: Jared Coon

A 300 kg total is a good number in Olympic weightlifting. A 300 kg total at 100 kg bodyweight is even more impressive. A 300 kg total at 100 kg bodyweight and 39 years of age is outstanding.   That’s what Jared Coon did seven days before... Continue reading
Weightlifting News: Issue 171

Upcoming National Meets   May 9-12 National Championships in Memphis, TN July 24-28 American Open Series 2 in Albuquerque, New Mexico September 12-15 American Open Series 3 in Daytona Beach, FL December 5-8 American Open Finals in Salt Lake... Continue reading
Ask Greg: Issue 170

Matt Asks: It’s midnight and I can’t fall asleep because of the endless loop of mental snatch reps in my head. And it all crystallizes into this damning question, and it is driving me mad... do the hips come forward to meet the bar o... Continue reading
When It’s in Your Blood: Dealing with Internal Conflict in Weightlifting

Back when I was competing on the national scene in the 90s, I had a conversation with another lifter that I’ve never forgotten. Know what I mean? It was one of those times when somebody says something to you that stays in your memory for years.... Continue reading
Motivational Tactics for Consistent Training and Nutrition

Do you like to exercise? Do you enjoy the feeling of sweat dripping off your nose, your muscles screaming for oxygen and the challenge of making it through a high volume set of back squats? Odds are, if you are visiting this site, you do or are conte... Continue reading
Showing 223 — 232 of 1362
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