
May 2019
Issue 172 Volume 15

Ask Greg: Issue 172

Patricia Asks: I recently competed in a meet where everything was super hectic. The warm-up room only had 4 platforms (there were 26 lifters in my ses... Continue reading
WPTSD: Weightlifting Post traumatic Stress Disorder

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has turned into a huge social topic over the last twenty years. From what I can tell, conversations about it sta... Continue reading
Good Lift, No Lift, Gross Lift

You know it when you see it. You know it when you lift it. You’ve legally managed to power through a lift you’d otherwise be buried by, sh... Continue reading
Injuries: How to Let Them Make You, Not Break You

Injuries come in all shapes and sizes. You may still be able to train with modifications, but they are a hindering nuisance. Or, they can be debilitat... Continue reading
Using Aerobic Conditioning to Improve Recovery

When people think about aerobic conditioning, they usually think about long, slow, boring tasks that transfer over to long, slow, boring events. That ... Continue reading
Improving Your Mental Health: Training Your Body to Feed Your Mind

Ever thought of exercise as food or fuel for your brain? Probably not. Why would you? But exercise is in many ways a brain food and the fuel for prope... Continue reading
Food and Relationship

Food is a universal experience. All animate life on earth requires it in some form. For humans, as with many other animate lifeforms, food constitutes... Continue reading
Interview: Kristin Pope

Team USA weightlifter Kristin Pope has had an interesting career path in the sport. Some parts of her history are the kinds of things we hear a lot wh... Continue reading
Weightlifting News: Issue 172

Upcoming National Meets   May 9-12 National Championships in Memphis, TN July 24-28 American Open Series 2 in Albuquerque, New Mexico Septemb... Continue reading
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