
March 2014
Issue 110 Volume 10

Ask Greg: Issue 110

Emily Asks: Hey Greg... do you have any suggestions for assistance exercises to help improve my clean and jerk? Right now I am following your strengt... Continue reading
Hyping Up vs. Calming Down: What’s the Best Method?

Do you want to know one of the things that always bothers me when I watch weightlifting? It’s when lifters perform some kind of elaborate, showy... Continue reading
Specificity In Training for Strength

For the powerlifter, sport practice is the squat (to depth with competition stance and equipment), bench press (with a pause on the chest with competi... Continue reading
Forging Better Lives

We all have different reasons for becoming CrossFit coaches. CrossFit changed your life and you want to help others… Exercising is the most fun... Continue reading
The 30-Day Meal Plan: Pros and Cons

So you've decided to bite the bullet and do a month-long Paleo challenge, but it’s not your first time. You’ve already done the super stri... Continue reading

The excitement seems to be waning a little already, but at least momentarily, weightlifting complexes were the coolest thing on the internet. People h... Continue reading
True or False: You can't build muscle with body weight exercises

They're equally perfect for cramped hotel rooms, sunny days in the park, and snowy days when you can't leave your house. They're cheaper than any gym ... Continue reading
Athlete Interview: Caine Wilkes

400 kilos is a lot of weight. It’s 881 pounds. Totaling 400 kilos in an Olympic weightlifting competition is extremely hard to do. How close are... Continue reading
Recipes: Issue 110

Orange Amaretto Eggs This unusual but delicious combination is great for a Sunday morning! Time: 10 minutes • 3 eggs • 2 tsp. coco... Continue reading
Weightlifting News: Issue 110

Upcoming National Meets   Youth National Championships and Youth Olympic Games Trials: Daytona Beach, Florida, June 12-15   Nati... Continue reading
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