November 2006
Issue 22 Volume 2

In case you didn't notice, it’s November, and in the Northern Hemisphere at least, that means Fall. Good food, holidays and merry-making await, ... Continue reading
In case you didn't notice, it’s November, and in the Northern Hemisphere at least, that means Fall. Good food, holidays and merry-making await, ... Continue reading
The Olympic Squat
The squat is foundational to the Olympic lifts as a position, a movement and an exercise. Without a well-developed and consistent squat, neither pulli... Continue reading
The squat is foundational to the Olympic lifts as a position, a movement and an exercise. Without a well-developed and consistent squat, neither pulli... Continue reading
Interview with Dr. Michael Eades
I’m frequently asked for a reading list or my favorite books regarding nutrition and health. One book tops that list: Protein Power: Lifeplan by... Continue reading
I’m frequently asked for a reading list or my favorite books regarding nutrition and health. One book tops that list: Protein Power: Lifeplan by... Continue reading
Windshield Wiper
The term "core training" for me elicits visions of Swiss balls, muscle shirts and male hair care products, along with the according acute ga... Continue reading
The term "core training" for me elicits visions of Swiss balls, muscle shirts and male hair care products, along with the according acute ga... Continue reading
Recipes: Issue 22
A Paleo Thanksgiving This month we'll take a look at a few ways to tweak the traditional Thanksgiving meal to be a little more health friendly. The... Continue reading
A Paleo Thanksgiving This month we'll take a look at a few ways to tweak the traditional Thanksgiving meal to be a little more health friendly. The... Continue reading
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