April 2021
Issue 195 Volume 17

Ask Greg: Issue 195
Anonymous: Should your feet distance in the starting position be the same for the snatch and clean? Greg Says: As a starting point, yes. That... Continue reading
Anonymous: Should your feet distance in the starting position be the same for the snatch and clean? Greg Says: As a starting point, yes. That... Continue reading
Fighting for Your Weightlifting Career After Getting Bushwhacked
Let’s talk about the best ways to deal with getting bushwhacked in weightlifting, shall we? You might not realize it, but this is one of the mos... Continue reading
Let’s talk about the best ways to deal with getting bushwhacked in weightlifting, shall we? You might not realize it, but this is one of the mos... Continue reading
How to invest in Olympic Weightlifting
In order to get the most from something, we might have to invest in it. This means giving something for something in return. Olympic weightlifting is ... Continue reading
In order to get the most from something, we might have to invest in it. This means giving something for something in return. Olympic weightlifting is ... Continue reading
A Master’s Fight Against Father Time
I just completed my seventh year in this crazy endeavor called weightlifting. I have never written about my experiences in this sport but now just see... Continue reading
I just completed my seventh year in this crazy endeavor called weightlifting. I have never written about my experiences in this sport but now just see... Continue reading
Red Meat is NOT Bad for You: Part 2
Part one of this series outlined that due to the high probability of confounding factors and the low relative risks that are consistently reported in ... Continue reading
Part one of this series outlined that due to the high probability of confounding factors and the low relative risks that are consistently reported in ... Continue reading
Mental Crash Between Snatches and Clean and Jerks in Competition: Maintaining Optimal Arousal
Stop me if you’ve heard this one before. An athlete is at a competition. The athlete is preparing for the snatch event and everything is going p... Continue reading
Stop me if you’ve heard this one before. An athlete is at a competition. The athlete is preparing for the snatch event and everything is going p... Continue reading
Body Weight – Workout Anywhere
Using your body weight, you can work out without any equipment and do it in any place you are. The ongoing COVID-19 crisis has changed life as we a... Continue reading
Using your body weight, you can work out without any equipment and do it in any place you are. The ongoing COVID-19 crisis has changed life as we a... Continue reading
Interview: Jim Schmitz, Part 1
This month’s interview is a special one, maybe one of the most special we’ve published in this magazine. Why do I say that? Because it&rsq... Continue reading
This month’s interview is a special one, maybe one of the most special we’ve published in this magazine. Why do I say that? Because it&rsq... Continue reading
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