June 2018
Issue 161 Volume 14

Ask Greg: Issue 161
Mark Asks: Many weightlifting podcasts, training manual and books spend a lot of time focusing on how to train and perfecting form, while other aspect... Continue reading
Mark Asks: Many weightlifting podcasts, training manual and books spend a lot of time focusing on how to train and perfecting form, while other aspect... Continue reading
Sharing Warmup Platforms at Weightlifting Meets: The Mine-Mine-Mine Generation
Many of you are on social media, and some of you might be on my Facebook friend list. If you are, you probably read a little post I wrote on my page a... Continue reading
Many of you are on social media, and some of you might be on my Facebook friend list. If you are, you probably read a little post I wrote on my page a... Continue reading
Build and Maintain Culture in Your Gym: An Athlete’s Perspective
cul·ture ˈkəlCHər/ noun the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively. “The Iron ... Continue reading
cul·ture ˈkəlCHər/ noun the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively. “The Iron ... Continue reading
True or False: Lifting with a Flexed Spine is Bad for Your Back
We’ve all heard that correct deadlift form involves keeping your back straight. We’ve seen that guy in the gym pulling way too much weight... Continue reading
We’ve all heard that correct deadlift form involves keeping your back straight. We’ve seen that guy in the gym pulling way too much weight... Continue reading
Change Your Mental Approach to Training
Lifting: Is there any sport as mentally taxing as ours? True, one can argue that any sport requires diligent focus and positive mentality, but this is... Continue reading
Lifting: Is there any sport as mentally taxing as ours? True, one can argue that any sport requires diligent focus and positive mentality, but this is... Continue reading
Barbell Lessons: Patience to the Hip
A microcosm or a metaphor would never do it justice. The beautiful mind-mess that is weightlifting often depicts life’s universal truths. Lesson... Continue reading
A microcosm or a metaphor would never do it justice. The beautiful mind-mess that is weightlifting often depicts life’s universal truths. Lesson... Continue reading
Interview: Snow Charpentier
Right away, I have to give Snow Charpentier a big thank-you. An old friend and fellow lifter I’ve known for years was supposed to do an intervie... Continue reading
Right away, I have to give Snow Charpentier a big thank-you. An old friend and fellow lifter I’ve known for years was supposed to do an intervie... Continue reading
Weightlifting News: Issue 161
Upcoming National Meets June 14-17 National Youth Championships in Grand Rapids, MI July 26-29 AO Series 2 in King of Prussia, PA Sept. 13-16 AO ... Continue reading
Upcoming National Meets June 14-17 National Youth Championships in Grand Rapids, MI July 26-29 AO Series 2 in King of Prussia, PA Sept. 13-16 AO ... Continue reading
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