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Showing 66 — 75 of 208
Ask Greg: Issue 145

Kelly Asks: Hey Greg! If a woman is a proficient lifter and would like to do a 6 week classic cycle for example, during pregnancy, is there anything y... Continue reading
Ask Greg: Issue 144

Juli Asks: I never properly learned how to receive an overhead bar to the back (for example: overhead squats out of the rack and re-racking for multip... Continue reading
Ask Greg: Issue 143

Nick Asks: I see a lot of information about lifting programs for older adults and basically people who have completely finished maturing. What if I... Continue reading
Ask Greg: Issue 141

Nic Asks: My question is how the hell do I stop being afraid of the bar? I'm a solid year into Olympic/CrossFit style training, and still find mys... Continue reading
Are Weightlifters Really Lacking Posterior Chain Work?

Weightlifters need stronger posterior chains. I’ve heard that more times than I can count, and always from someone outside the weightlifting com... Continue reading
Ask Greg: Issue 140

Erika Asks: Hi Coach, I’ve just started Olympic Lifting a couple months ago and I'm having issues with my catch position in the clean. I can... Continue reading
Ask Greg: Issue 139

Scott Asks: Do you suggest doing powerlifting/body building assistance work?   Greg Says: I assume you mean do I suggest doing these things for... Continue reading
Drug Use in Weightlifting & The Battle of Mindsets

The issue of drug use in sports has never been a simple one, and it’s never encouraged the most rational, even-tempered reactions from people. T... Continue reading
Ask Greg: Issue 138

Devin Asks: I tried searching and didn't find what I needed (maybe I didn't type in the right search term... if this has already been covered,... Continue reading
Ask Greg: Issue 137

Matt Asks: Is anybody able to adapt to different lifting techniques (Russian, Chinese...) or is there something biological (or body shape, composition... Continue reading
Showing 66 — 75 of 208
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