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Showing 13 — 22 of 208
From THe Archives: The Role of Strength in Weightlifting

While the premise of this article may at first strike readers as odd, considering that weightlifting, despite considerable elements of skill and speed... Continue reading
Ask Greg: Issue 196

Isaac Asks: Do you landmark heights where the bar will be pulled to? Example being the 3rd pull of a Snatch. Do you get athletes to pull the bar to sp... Continue reading
From The Archives: Beginning Weightlifting as an Adult

In my dreams, I coach in a system like the Chinese, in which I have a few dozen elite lifters handed to me between the ages of 18-20 after they’... Continue reading
Ask Greg: Issue 195

Anonymous: Should your feet distance in the starting position be the same for the snatch and clean?   Greg Says: As a starting point, yes. That... Continue reading
Ask Greg: Issue 194

Paula Asks: Why do my knees come in when the bar is above the knees before I extend in snatch?    Greg Says: It’s usually a combinat... Continue reading
Ask Greg: Issue 193

Deforge Asks: Hello how do we improve the lock out in the catch of snatches ? At high percentages I have a tendency to drop the weight backward, but t... Continue reading
Ask Greg: Issue 192

Arturo Asks: I fairly new to weightlifting (and training in general) and I'm having trouble having a good weightlifting journal that actually help... Continue reading
Ask Greg: Issue 191

Erin Asks: How can I stop jumping forward on my clean? Lately, all my coach says is I am jumping forward due to shorting my third pull and bringi... Continue reading
Ask Greg: Issue 190

Jane Asks: How do you fix constantly catching a heavy snatch on the balls of feet instead of on the heels (But not jumping forward)?   Gre... Continue reading
Ask Greg: Issue 189

PM Ask Zac Asks: What are the differences between having a narrower foot position at the start of a snatch versus wider? I’ve heard people sa... Continue reading
Showing 13 — 22 of 208
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