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Showing 52 — 61 of 1362
Ask Greg: Issue 194

Paula Asks: Why do my knees come in when the bar is above the knees before I extend in snatch?    Greg Says: It’s usually a combination of weak hips and slack in the system. Include accessory and prep work that strengthens transvers... Continue reading
Environment vs. Programming: Which is More Important?

This is one of those articles where the title basically explains the main idea. We’re going to take a look at two of the most significant factors in a weightlifter’s success: programming and training environment. And we’re going to ... Continue reading
Mindfulness in Olympic Weightlifting: A Practical Guide, Part 3: The What and the How of Mindfulness, Bringing it All Together

In this last article in the three-part mindfulness series, I want to bring both the what (observe, describe, and participate) and the how (non-judgmentally, one-mindfully, and effectively) skills together and carve out the pathways to reaching that m... Continue reading
Overhead Stability: How To Get It & How To Keep It Once You Have It

Lots of people can’t put their arms over their heads by the time they hit 30,  and then they join a CrossFit gym and get hurt doing 500 snatches for time. Without sounding like a hater or getting into the reasons why that’s maybe not... Continue reading
Red Meat is NOT Bad for You: Part 1

Red meat increases your risk of dying, red meat is as bad as smoking, red meat causes heart disease, red meat causes cancer. These are the type of headlines that get all the attention over the years for reasons I cannot understand other than the fact... Continue reading
Observations of The Snatch and Different Body Types

The snatch is very dependent on joint mobility and precise technique. However, people of many different body types have been successful with variances in that technique. Differences in limb length and hip anatomy call for slight changes in coaching c... Continue reading
Interview: Fred Lowe

We do athlete interviews every month in this magazine, and we’re always happy to do them with many of the biggest names in USA weightlifting. But it’s not very often that we get to interview a living legend. That’s exactly what Fred... Continue reading
Ask Greg: Issue 193

Deforge Asks: Hello how do we improve the lock out in the catch of snatches ? At high percentages I have a tendency to drop the weight backward, but the bar feels quite light—I could do it twice.   Greg Says: Dropping the bar backward ca... Continue reading
Supporting Athletes vs. Pampering Them: The Balance

Some of you have kids, right? I’m not a parent myself, but I’m guessing many of you are. And if you’re not a parent, you probably have plenty of recollections and stories about what your childhood was like with your parents. One way... Continue reading
Mindfulness in Olympic Weightlifting: A Practical Guide, Part 2

In the first article of this series, I discussed three steps that you should implement in order to bring some mindful practice into your Olympic weightlifting training. For a quick recap, the steps you should follow start with you observing a feeling... Continue reading
Showing 52 — 61 of 1362
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