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Showing 283 — 292 of 1362
Ask Greg: Issue 163

Mira asks: In the snatch, I feel like I have a slow turn over, like I always seem to sneak underneath the bar when receiving the bar overhead. Are there drills I can use to train this aspect outside of tall snatches from the hip? Are there any cues y... Continue reading
These Go Up to Eleven: Planning Appropriate Training Volume for Weightlifters

Full disclosure: This is an old article I published in Performance Menu almost ten years ago. It was also included in my first book, Bones of Iron. I’ve never done this before…resubmitting an old article instead of writing new material. ... Continue reading
Be a Pirate: Occupying Your Space in the Weightroom

In the fall of 2016, I helped coach my alma mater’s women’s rugby team. Playing on this team during my senior year of college was one of the most intense and formative of my athletics experiences, and I wanted to give back. One of the way... Continue reading
True or False: A Spotter’s Guide to Bad Science Reporting

I’ve been writing this column for a few years now, and I’ve learned a lot in the process.  Although many of the columns have covered topics that were familiar to me, sometimes the answers I found when I started looking through the re... Continue reading
The training trap: Don’t get sucked in!

It’s Saturday night, and Uber Eats is calling your name. You order up that large meat lover’s pizza and wings, and in no time, it arrives piping hot to your doorstep. You eat it like it’s going out of style and within minutes are fe... Continue reading
What to Expect in Your First Year as a Weightlifter

My name is Steve, and I’m a novice weightlifter. Although I’ve been weight training for many years, I’ve only been weightlifting for just over a year. During that time, I made a few observations that I’d like to share with you... Continue reading
Interview: Ethan Harak

There’s a part of Ethan Harak’s story that is very typical these days. He got into CrossFit, spent a few years doing it, and then converted to Olympic weightlifting. This is an extremely common entry process into the sport in this modern ... Continue reading
Weightlifting News: Issue 163

Upcoming National Meets Sept. 13-16 AO Series 3 in Las Vegas, NV Dec. 6-9 AO Finals in Milwaukee, WI   Upcoming International Meets Sept. 20-23 FISU World University Championships in Biala Podlaska, Poland   Catalyst Athletics Semina... Continue reading
Ask Greg: Issue 162

Erik Asks: I've been seriously training for roughly a year with best lifts of 100/123 as a 94. My question is this, I often find my grip on the bar changes during the clean during the lift so that my hands are uneven, and this only gets worse whe... Continue reading
Picking the Right Weight Class & When It’s Time to Change

I’m not sure how old you are, but I’m going to roll the dice and assume many of you remember the late 90s when the Y2K hysteria was running rampant. The year 2000 was approaching, and society was abuzz with harebrained theories about how ... Continue reading
Showing 283 — 292 of 1362
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