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Showing 162 — 171 of 1362
Finding A Take-Away Message from Even the Shittiest of Lifting Sessions

Have you ever had one of those days at the gym when you just wanted to snap your barbell over your leg out of pure frustration? Okay, you might not have reached the point of wanting to break stuff, but I would have a hard time believing you if you sa... Continue reading
A Kettlebell Experiment

I like kettlebells. They are a fun training tool. Kettlebells were previously used by olde tyme (yes that’s how you spell it) strongmen with handlebar mustaches in the early 1900s and they made a comeback in the early 2000s. People either loved... Continue reading
Interview: Laura Alexander

Back when I was in college, an extremely successful person once told me, “All the big-time people in the world have killer daily schedules. They’re constantly busy as hell.” I remembered that saying, committed it to memory, and I st... Continue reading
Ask Greg: Issue 178

Samantha Asks: My question is a about the timing of getting under the bar in the snatch (and would also apply to the clean). I am someone who is more of a “puller” and not someone who naturally can get under the bar quickly. What are the ... Continue reading
Your Personal Weightlifting Legacy: Negative or Positive?

I want to start this article with a personal question for you. How often do you think and/or say negative things about other people? Never? Almost never? Frequently? Daily? Thrice daily? With every breath you draw? Seriously, take an honest inventory... Continue reading
Better Lifts: Can You Visualize Them?

There is a good chance that at some point during your lifting lifetime you have come across at least one article about visualization: the concept of visualizing your lift prior to actually taking it in order to improve your chances of making it. Ther... Continue reading
Weightlifting and Family

I wear many hats. I am a mother to two adorable children and wife to an equally adorable husband. Most of my weekdays are spent either helping my daughter and son with their homework, talking with them about their days at school, or shuttling them to... Continue reading
Every Rep is a Privilege

Every now and then life gives you a reminder, friendly or otherwise, that every rep is a privilege.   The sudden life-changing illnesses of two fit, healthy men around my age was a recent reminder for me. One of these men contracted flesh-eati... Continue reading
Masters Weightlifting: When to Use Sleeves, Belts, Wrist Wraps, and Lifting Straps

Masters level weightlifting officially begins at age 35 and the age groups change every five years. 35 seems too young to be considered old, but weightlifting presents a physical demand on your body that becomes very palpable as you age. Depending on... Continue reading
Interview: Dane Miller

Whenever I hear about a new weightlifting program opening up, I usually make a mental note of the name of the place, but that’s about as much attention as I give it. I have a personal rule that I never take a program too seriously until it star... Continue reading
Showing 162 — 171 of 1362
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