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Ask Greg: Issue 203

Stacey Asks: I started weightlifting a year ago and feel I’ve made good progress with my technique... but... I have a recurring problem in my snatch and my clean.  There are times when I will receive my bar in the squat, but for some reaso... Continue reading
The Complete (I Think) History of the Performance Menu

In contemplating writing a history of the Performance Menu, the first thing that struck me was how long it’s actually been—16 years. That’s nearly 40% of my lifetime. This journal straddles multiple eras of my life, major events, an... Continue reading
Farewell to Performance Menu

Well, here it is. My final Performance Menu article. I’m not going to lie. This is a little freaky.   As I’ve mentioned in previous issues, I wrote my first article for this magazine in October 2008. This is December 2021, and I&rs... Continue reading
Robb�s Farewell

Greg reached out to me a few months ago to let me know that the little journal that could, the Performance Menu, would be seeing its final edition late in 2021. He asked me if I’d like to pen some thoughts about it and I said “for sure&rd... Continue reading
Support Your Local Weightlifter: A Farewell to Performance Menu

As some of you may know, this is Performance Menu’s final issue. All good things must come to an end. I feel extremely fortunate and privileged that I have been invited by the editor to have a monthly column in the last year or so of the journa... Continue reading
The Performance Menu is Dead. Long Live the Performance Menu!

I found the CrossFit website before I ever stepped my foot into a CrossFit gym or wrote my sole article for the CrossFit Journal or attended a seminar or got yelled at by a swole athlete when I made the mistake of doing farmer’s walks in the ar... Continue reading
Ask Greg: Issue 202

Zac Asks: What are the differences between having a narrower foot position at the start of a snatch versus wider? I’ve heard people say before that having too wide of start position doesn’t allow them to get low enough in a squat but also... Continue reading
Rebuilding Your Weightlifting: It�s On You

Penultimate (adjective): Definition- the next to last   This is my penultimate article for Performance Menu. As most of you know, the magazine is shutting down after the December 2021 issue. We’ve had a long, successful run, and we&rsquo... Continue reading
Your Training Cycles Are Social Constructs, So Construct Them Around Your Needs

Here’s something you’re probably sick of hearing: athletic performance outcomes are contingent on regimented work; athletes need to adhere to the training plan in order to stay on track towards achieving their goals; these plans are caref... Continue reading
You Don�t Need Powerlifting to Get Strong for Weightlifting

I’ve answered this question so many times over the years, I find it odd this article doesn’t already exist: Should I do powerlifting first to get strong for weightlifting?   The short answer is an emphatic no… of course not.... Continue reading
Showing 1 — 10 of 1362
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