Hamstring Warm-up

There are a huge variety of hamstring stretches, and many of them are good, but my goal is always to reduce things down to what is essential and leave the rest for special case scenarios. When it comes to effectively warming up the hamstrings, I have reduced it down to two movements, the squat and the leg swing. The official CrossFit warm-up goes even further, by just using the squat. I include the leg swing, because the hamstring is composed of four muscles and the squat does not affect them all equally. According to bodybuilding wisdom, the hamstring is a knee flexor. According to reality, it is both a knee flexor and a hip extensor. Without getting too technical, some of the muscles in the hamstring cross the knee joint, but not the hip joint. Some cross the hip joint, but not the knee joint, and others cross both joints. As a result, the squat will stretch the hip extensor muscles very effectively, including the glutes. It will not stretch the knee extensors at all, because they are in a shortened position. The result is that your entire hamstring is not being stretched. By contrast, on the leg swing, you are stretching the knee extensors and dual extensors to the max, with less emphasis on the hip extensors.
The Squat
The Performance Menu has already covered the squat in great detail, so I will refer you to Issue 22. In your warm-up, bodyweight or broomstick overhead squats are fine. If you have any questions about form, read Greg Everett’s article.
The Leg Swing
To perform a leg swing, you simply swing your leg forwards and backwards. You can hold onto something for balance if necessary, or do them free standing to train your balance. Keep your swinging leg straight and keep a slight bend in your support leg. It is okay to come up onto your toes at the top of the swing. Try to get good range of motion on the backswing as well, because it is also very important to stretch your hip flexors.

The Hamstring Warm-Up
3 Rounds of:
10 Leg Swings
10 Leg Swings with other leg
10 Squats
Post feelings of warmness and serenity to comments.
The Squat
The Performance Menu has already covered the squat in great detail, so I will refer you to Issue 22. In your warm-up, bodyweight or broomstick overhead squats are fine. If you have any questions about form, read Greg Everett’s article.
The Leg Swing
To perform a leg swing, you simply swing your leg forwards and backwards. You can hold onto something for balance if necessary, or do them free standing to train your balance. Keep your swinging leg straight and keep a slight bend in your support leg. It is okay to come up onto your toes at the top of the swing. Try to get good range of motion on the backswing as well, because it is also very important to stretch your hip flexors.

The Hamstring Warm-Up
3 Rounds of:
10 Leg Swings
10 Leg Swings with other leg
10 Squats
Post feelings of warmness and serenity to comments.
Tyler Hass is the designer of Elite Rings. His goal is to spread gymnastics training into the broader fitness community. His website is www.ringtraining.com. |
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