Take ‘ACTIVE’ Responsibility For Your Success and Work Environment

The headline of this article is quote I’ve had on my wall, in one form or another, for about 12 years. It’s something I’m a big believer it and live my life by.
Anytime I get pissed, upset, disappointed, you name it, I look up at that quote and it puts me back in the frame of mind I need to be in to move forward. Because no matter WHAT happens, when you continue to take active responsibility for your success, you WILL move forward. And THAT, above all, is what separates winners from losers.
Winners move forward. Losers repeat the same mistakes over and over again and never get off their own private hamster wheel of sh*t.
So, let’s talk about one of the most important things successful people take responsibility for– their environment.
Your environment plays a huge role in how big and fast you'll make quantum leaps. Winners create an environment that drives them forward. Losers allow their environment to control them, which basically means they never rise up and exercise the personal responsibility required for taking control.
NOTE: Control is not “given” to anyone. Only you can make the personal decision and commitment to rise up and take it. And when you finally do, good things happen. If you don’t, well, you stay on the hamster wheel and don’t get to pass go or move forward in business (or life).
Here’s a quiz to take that will tell you just how efficient and productive your current environment is right now… and if you’ve taken control of it, or if it’s controlling you!
1. Do you have more than 25 e-mails sitting in your inbox right now?
2. Do you have more than one “stack” of mail and papers on your desk?
3. Do you have random sticky notes, to-do lists, and ideas on scraps of paper floating around in several places?
4. Do you have multiple calendars for events and activities at work and at home… never really knowing what is where?
5. Would you consider your workspace organized and efficient… or more like a disaster area and mess?
6. How long has your workspace been in this condition?
Ok, I could go on and on, but I really don’t need to say much more. You know if you’re guilty and have some clean up work to do in this area!
So where do you start to make a stand and turn things around? How do you regain control and get back in the drivers seat of your business… and therefore your life?
It’s my belief that the first step lies in taking back control of your environment. And this generally means you start with organization of your work space.
So, take a step back. Block a few hours, or perhaps a full day, in the next week to clean up your workspace. Maybe you’ve got to cancel a few appointments or reschedule previous commitments, but trust me, this is important and you’ll thank me later.
Ever seen the show Clean Sweep on TV? Think of this project of rearranging your work environment as the same thing. Take everything out of your office and put it outside. Papers, overflowing files, scraps, … everything! Then put down three sheets for three separate piles - the “keep it”, the “toss it”, and the “sell it” pile. Now, get a timer and set it. You’re going to force yourself to race against the clock to get this done. In most cases, I’d allow for no more than an hour or two. Anything not in a particular pile when the buzzer goes off gets tossed. This is called “gun to your head” reorganization plan. It will work, I promise you.
For best results, I recommend you recruit a friend, spouse, or business partner to help you with this--because most people get stuck and can’t execute the decisions they need to make quickly enough. They get hung up in looking at something, a note or paper they uncovered that reminded them of something else they wanted to do, and then wake up 45 minutes later wondering what happened. That won’t do here. You’ve got to finish this here and now—no matter what. So call in some support to be sure this job gets done. No shame in that. The shame lies in continuing to have the same problems month in and month out. Do something different and get some new problems!
Here’s a simple question you should ask yourself anytime you get stuck during this process… “Does this item support positive thoughts and actions toward accomplishment of my current goals and objectives?” If yes, keep it. If no, toss it.
Okay, done the sorting? Good.
Now get the organizational items you need to rebuild your environment. Actually you should scope out what you anticipate needing before hand, so this is all ready to go. This may mean some new bookcases, a new filing cabinet, another desk, plastic bins, folder racks, etc. Rebuild your office with everything from the “keep it” pile. Toss everything else.
Now drink a beer and pat yourself on the back. You’ve just rebuilt an efficient work environment, and tomorrow it’s going to be a whole lot easier to get things done and move forward. Rinse and repeat this process a couple times per year, or quarterly, as necessary!
Anytime I get pissed, upset, disappointed, you name it, I look up at that quote and it puts me back in the frame of mind I need to be in to move forward. Because no matter WHAT happens, when you continue to take active responsibility for your success, you WILL move forward. And THAT, above all, is what separates winners from losers.
Winners move forward. Losers repeat the same mistakes over and over again and never get off their own private hamster wheel of sh*t.
So, let’s talk about one of the most important things successful people take responsibility for– their environment.
Your environment plays a huge role in how big and fast you'll make quantum leaps. Winners create an environment that drives them forward. Losers allow their environment to control them, which basically means they never rise up and exercise the personal responsibility required for taking control.
NOTE: Control is not “given” to anyone. Only you can make the personal decision and commitment to rise up and take it. And when you finally do, good things happen. If you don’t, well, you stay on the hamster wheel and don’t get to pass go or move forward in business (or life).
Here’s a quiz to take that will tell you just how efficient and productive your current environment is right now… and if you’ve taken control of it, or if it’s controlling you!
1. Do you have more than 25 e-mails sitting in your inbox right now?
2. Do you have more than one “stack” of mail and papers on your desk?
3. Do you have random sticky notes, to-do lists, and ideas on scraps of paper floating around in several places?
4. Do you have multiple calendars for events and activities at work and at home… never really knowing what is where?
5. Would you consider your workspace organized and efficient… or more like a disaster area and mess?
6. How long has your workspace been in this condition?
Ok, I could go on and on, but I really don’t need to say much more. You know if you’re guilty and have some clean up work to do in this area!
So where do you start to make a stand and turn things around? How do you regain control and get back in the drivers seat of your business… and therefore your life?
It’s my belief that the first step lies in taking back control of your environment. And this generally means you start with organization of your work space.
So, take a step back. Block a few hours, or perhaps a full day, in the next week to clean up your workspace. Maybe you’ve got to cancel a few appointments or reschedule previous commitments, but trust me, this is important and you’ll thank me later.
Ever seen the show Clean Sweep on TV? Think of this project of rearranging your work environment as the same thing. Take everything out of your office and put it outside. Papers, overflowing files, scraps, … everything! Then put down three sheets for three separate piles - the “keep it”, the “toss it”, and the “sell it” pile. Now, get a timer and set it. You’re going to force yourself to race against the clock to get this done. In most cases, I’d allow for no more than an hour or two. Anything not in a particular pile when the buzzer goes off gets tossed. This is called “gun to your head” reorganization plan. It will work, I promise you.
For best results, I recommend you recruit a friend, spouse, or business partner to help you with this--because most people get stuck and can’t execute the decisions they need to make quickly enough. They get hung up in looking at something, a note or paper they uncovered that reminded them of something else they wanted to do, and then wake up 45 minutes later wondering what happened. That won’t do here. You’ve got to finish this here and now—no matter what. So call in some support to be sure this job gets done. No shame in that. The shame lies in continuing to have the same problems month in and month out. Do something different and get some new problems!
Here’s a simple question you should ask yourself anytime you get stuck during this process… “Does this item support positive thoughts and actions toward accomplishment of my current goals and objectives?” If yes, keep it. If no, toss it.
Okay, done the sorting? Good.
Now get the organizational items you need to rebuild your environment. Actually you should scope out what you anticipate needing before hand, so this is all ready to go. This may mean some new bookcases, a new filing cabinet, another desk, plastic bins, folder racks, etc. Rebuild your office with everything from the “keep it” pile. Toss everything else.
Now drink a beer and pat yourself on the back. You’ve just rebuilt an efficient work environment, and tomorrow it’s going to be a whole lot easier to get things done and move forward. Rinse and repeat this process a couple times per year, or quarterly, as necessary!
Sean Greeley AKA “Mr. Systems” is all about making the most from of all you’ve got. As a professional wakeboarder, he rose to the very highest level, representing team USA at the World Championships in Germany. As a fitness business owner, again, he far surpassed what many of his peers in the industry dreamed of accomplishing, creating a 653-strong client base in just 3 years, starting from nothing. Today, Sean devotes his time to serving thousands of coaches and fitness business owners worldwide, empowering them with the systems, tools, and coaching they need to achieve their goals and fulfill their dreams. Sean’s company NPE has been listed twice on the Inc 500 list of fastest growing US owned private corporations. For more information on how to grow your fitness business, request his “Secrets To Their Success” magazine and DVD which features 13 in-depth industry-specific case studies by going to FitnessBusinessSystems.com. |
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